BioSig-ID™ Admin - DEMO ONLY (no Canvas instance attached)

The checkbox on the right side of a quiz can be used to convert it to a BioSig‑ID™ guarded quiz link.
Existing links will be marked by and can not be converted again. (click to expand for additional help)

On a course copy the links will still point to the original course quizzes which is when the "Fix" button will become available. The extra options at the bottom are as follows:
Hide Quizzes from navigation menu:
The course navigation menu `Quizzes` will be automatically hidden from view to prevent direct access to a quiz.
Open all BioSig‑ID™ instances in a new tab:
Force all the newly created BioSig‑ID™ instances to open in a new tab. This is not required as it integrates well within Canvas, but it helps when dealing with mainly small resolution devices.
Optional postfix for guarded quiz links:
This string will be appended to the end of the quiz title to create the new title for the BioSig‑ID™ guarded quiz link. Please contact BSI to have the default value adjusted if you find yourself constantly changing this. An empty string is allowed to use the original quiz title as-is.
This page only controls the BioSig‑ID™ quiz intercepts (guarded quiz links) usage via LTI. To configure BioSig‑ID™ tool instances switch to the next tab. (click again to collapse the extra help)

Hide Quizzes from navigation menu:

Open all BioSig‑ID™ instances in a new tab:

Optional postfix for guarded quiz links:

The BioSig‑ID™ guarded quiz links on this copied course still point to the quizzes on the original course. If the automated fix via the button below fails, please use `Modules` to manually remove the BioSig-ID™ guarded links and re-create them with the `External Tool` method.

Use the button on a course item to insert a BioSig‑ID™ tool instance before this item, and optionally use the drop-down box to adjust the indent level for the current selection and all the items listed below. (click to expand for additional help)

Multiple BioSig‑ID™ instances can be added at once for a quick setup of the entire course. The extra options at the bottom are as follows:
Auto add module requirements:
Creates all the Canvas module requirements and prerequisites to ensure that the student goes through any BioSig‑ID™ tool instance before the next course content item is made available.
Create/Use BioSig‑ID™ assignment group:
Keeps all the BioSig‑ID™ tool instances together in a group inside the `Assignments` menu.
Open all BioSig‑ID™ instances in a new tab:
Force all the newly created BioSig‑ID™ instances to open in a new tab. This is not required as it integrates well within Canvas, but it helps when dealing with mainly small resolution devices.
Unlock BioSig‑ID™ assignment instances on view:
Students by default need to validate successfully to pass the "submit the assignment" requirement. Activating this setting allows any newly created BioSig‑ID™ instance to use the "view the item" alternative instead. This is not advisable except for usage early on in the course.
This page only controls the BioSig‑ID™ tool instances as Canvas assignments with external tool usage via LTI. To configure BioSig‑ID™ quiz intercepts (guarded quiz links) switch to the previous tab. (click again to collapse the extra help)

 Append module name to new BioSig-ID™ instances.
 Append course item title to new BioSig-ID™ instances.

(add BioSig‑ID™ instance at the end of the module)

Auto add module requirements:

Create/Use BioSig‑ID™ assignment group:

Open all BioSig‑ID™ instances in a new tab:

Unlock BioSig‑ID™ assignment instances on view:

The BioSig‑ID™ enrollment instructions have already been added to this course.
BioSig‑ID™ will insert the enrollment instructions in a separate module that will be inserted before the module you can select below.
(click to expand for additional help)

The extra options at the bottom are as follows:
Auto add module requirements:
Module pre-requisites will be automatically added if this option is active. They are added to the selected module to ensure that the end-user goes through the BioSig‑ID™ enrollment process before the next module becomes available.
Open all BioSig‑ID™ instances in a new tab:
Force all the newly created BioSig‑ID™ instances to open in a new tab. This is not required as it integrates well within Canvas, but it helps when dealing with mainly small resolution devices.
The enrollment instructions can only be added once. (click again to collapse the extra help)

Auto add module requirements:

Open all BioSig‑ID™ instances in a new tab:

Processing items:
  1. Processing...
Items processed: done!   Close